Open an account
Choose solutions to suit your needs and support some of your biggest decisions.

Open a checking, savings, money market or certificate* and experience a better way to bank today. If you already have an account with online banking, we will help fill out part of your application making it easier for you.
Apply now
Open an account with a minor
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Cropped shot of a young attractive couple planning their home budget together on the sofa in the living room at home
Apply for a credit card
Building credit is part of life. Credit determines next steps for big financial milestones like buying a car, purchasing a home or growing your business. And, with the right guidance and education, you can find value in using a credit card to build your credit. At Thrivent Credit Union, we're proud to provide all the tools you need to complete your financial journey – including credit solutions.
At TCU, we offer products that keep your best interests at the forefront of your company's financial journey.